GGPAAS is a specialized recruiting firm not only matching clients with the best career opportunities to meet their needs and lifestyle, but also mapping out a plan to get them there.

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Geoff Glass, founder of GGPAAS Recruiting, is a seasoned attorney with years of corporate big law and management consulting experience. Geoff is passionate about using his experience to guide candidates through the process of finding a firm that aligns with both their professional and personal aspirations. His experience has given him the ability to create a streamlined process where candidates have personalized assistance so they can focus their time and energy on what matters most. Geoff’s services have been featured in articles in Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance and NASDAQ

Our Values


We differ from other recruiting agencies by offering a holistic approach to aligning clients with firms beyond role descriptions and professional experience, digging-in and getting to know your personal and professional goals.


We work alongside clients to act on your behalf, identifying promising opportunities, submitting applications, facilitating communications and negotiations, and ensuring candidates are fully prepared beyond day one.


We offer our clients a bespoke, one-on-one, and personalized career development experience with coaching and career advising services that go beyond completing job applications, ensuring clients find careers that align with their values and goals.