Take Control of Your Future, Beginning with Your Career

Stability is one of the many things promised when beginning a career in law. Whether it be the variety of industries or the promising salaries and benefits, a career in law is something that takes great determination and perseverance, and is rewarded accordingly. 

However, none of us are immune to the fear and uncertainty of the upcoming months or years. Whether it be the economic situation, family changes, or any other external circumstance, we all search for pillars of strength and comfort amidst change. While I don’t have all the answers to what you may be experiencing in your personal life, I do want to offer a few words of advice when it comes to finding stability in your career. 

At GGPAAS Recruiting, we consider not only your professional goals, but your personal goals too. We look beyond just the next year or placement, and work with you to create a vision for your future that allows you to prioritize the things that truly matter to you and your family. 

If you’re searching for career growth and a way to take control of your future, consider these 5 actionable next steps. 

  1. Make a career plan and outline both your personal and professional goals. 

    1. In order to create a path forward, you have to first know what your end destination is. Consider both your short and long term goals when creating your plan, and be as specific as possible. Always remind yourself what you’re working towards and create a roadmap for how you’re going to get there. 

  2. Be honest with yourself and those you work with. 

    1. Assess your strengths and weaknesses and don’t be afraid to be your biggest advocate. Be honest about your career goals and make a case for yourself as to why you’d be a great fit in a new role or firm.

  3. Practice patience.

    1. Success doesn’t happen overnight. Never underestimate every small step or change you make to create a path forward toward your goals.

  4. Ask for opportunities both big and small. 

    1. Taking initiative is a sure way to create movement and growth in your career. Asking for help or working with others is also a notable way to learn and grow from their advice and experience. 

  5. Take a risk.

    1. This may sound contradictory, but oftentimes stability requires risk. A shift in firms may be just what you need to feel more stable in your career and working your way towards your goals. If you’re willing to take a risk, there is a possibility for a high reward. 

When considering these actionable steps, the most important thing to keep in mind is intentionality. Every decision you make should help you get closer to your end goal. It’s important to be thinking at any given moment what you are working towards and how your actions and decisions today will ultimately affect that outcome. 

Taking control of your future doesn’t mean you have to have all the answers now. It just means that you are continually referencing your career plan and making strides towards growth when it is right for you. If you aren’t entirely sure what your next step should be, GGPAAS is here to help. Allow us to work with you to create a path forward so that you can ensure stability and success in the coming months and years.

If you don’t already follow GGPAAS Recruiting on Instagram, I encourage you to do so at @ggpaasrecruitng. Every week I share industry-specific education and quick takes on big law and the recruiting world.

Don’t hesitate to reach out via direct message or at ggpaasrecruiting.com/contact. I’d love to connect and discuss how we can work together to bring your goals to life. 

Connect with me today!

Email: Geoff@ggpaas.com

Phone: (917) 822-8479

Website: www.ggpaasrecruiting.com


Client Testimonial — GGPAAS is my first choice for career moves.


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