Taking a holistic approach to life.
A holistic approach to life begins by making an intentional choice to care for your whole being—mind, body, and spirit. We have to first recognize that we are multifaceted people, and we have to take care of each part of ourselves in order to be whole.
Life choices should not be boiled down into whether we should or should not be doing something, but rather a consideration of how much time should be spent on something and how to prioritize each responsibility appropriately.
A holistic approach to life is actively nurturing every part of our lives, because we know each part is connected and vital. There are several benefits to holistic living.
Benefits of holistic living:
Reduced stress.
Improved productivity.
Balanced emotional and physical well-being.
Better interpersonal relationships.
Personal growth.
Mental clarity and improved happiness.
Reduced stress, mental clarity, personal growth—these are all things that we want to bring more into our careers, and more importantly, our lives.. Instead of working 60-hour weeks, skipping the workout, and bailing on friends and family again, let’s challenge ourselves to try these three steps in order to live more well-rounded, holistic lives.
Step 1: Begin by changing your mindset.
A fixed mindset will limit you and keep you stagnant. Adopting a growth mindset and recognizing that you are an integrated being allows you to make the first steps towards change. If you don’t see any problem with giving all your time to work, leaving your family alone all day and night, then you won’t aim to prioritize making more time for them. A change in mindset begins by setting your priorities and then ranking them by most important to least important. List out priorities for each area of your life – mind, body, and spirit – and create an actionable plan of how you will work to foster each area.
Step 2: Be intentional with where you spend your time and energy.
Every person is only given 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. Sometimes it feels like eternity, but often it never feels like enough. Living a holistic life requires you to access your time and schedule your priorities accordingly. Set your intentions - mind, body, and spirit - and then stick to them.
Step 3: Continue to learn and access your priorities for your season of life.
What works for you this month may not work for you in three years once you have kids and are running your own firm. One of the most important steps in living a holistic life is being self-aware and being willing to learn and grow. It is so important to continue to learn about yourself, others, and new perspectives on life. We have so much to learn from others, and we have the opportunity to be challenged and changed by their witness and example. Read books, watch videos, listen to podcasts, and spend your time filling your life with knowledge that will help you become more of who you want to be.
There is no one right way to live a holistic lifestyle, but what it does require is recognition of your mind, body, and spirit. How are you going to work towards a more holistic lifestyle in this season of life?
Connect with us today!
Email: Geoff@ggpaas.com
Phone: (917) 822-8479
Website: www.ggpaasrecruiting.com