Relationship Building is the New Networking

You walk into a room, sign your name on a name tag, and head right to the refreshments. 

Whether it’s a networking event, holiday party or even a family gathering, the question that always seems to follow your name is “What do you do?”, and when it comes to networking, that question more often than not translates to “What can you do for me?” 

Networking, defined by Merriam Webster, is “the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically, the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business.” Oftentimes networking is seen as a selfish gain, using people only for what they have to offer. However, according to the definition, networking is the cultivation of productive relationships; in simpler terms, networking is relationship building. 

Relationship building is all about establishing and deepening connections with others. We are relational beings, and it is through deepening our relationships that we grow and experience more fulfillment in life. The connections, introductions, and promotions that come from networking are a product of something greater: they are the product of a relationship that was built and tended to. 

Understanding relationship building as the foundation of networking makes it less about “What can you do for me?” and more about “How can we help each other?” Relationships are a two-way street, and shifting from a self-gain mindset to a mutual growth mindset allows you both to walk away with more. 

You have skills, connections, and circumstances that are unique to you and that are extremely valuable to the people you build relationships with. Your network, also described as a tribe, is filled with people who also have unique gifts to offer the world. 

In his book, Tribes, Seth Godin defines a tribe as a group of people who are: 

  • Connected to one another. 

  • Connected to a leader. 

  • Connected to an idea.

You are a leader of a tribe, and your role cannot be delegated to anyone else because you are unrepeatable. 

While I could give you a list of  “Tips on how to network,” I will leave you with this: take time to actually know who is in your tribe and think about how you can build, grow, and deepen your relationships with each member. Instead of solely selling yourself, you now have a whole group of people with unique gifts and talents that you can connect with every new person you meet. 

Remember: the more you do for others, the more they will do for you. 

At GGPAAS we have a tribe of extremely talented and motivated individuals who want you to live a life you’re proud of. I’d love to connect with you and see how I could be of service to you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Connect with us today!


Phone: (917) 822-8479



Considering a career change in 2022? Use your time now to build and strengthen your tribe.


Knowing when and when NOT to negotiate.